Daredevil Condition: with allies

Daredevil Condition: with allies + fire field

Daredevil Power: Solo

Daredevil Power: With Allies

Deadeye Power: Solo

Deadeye Power: With Allies

Tips for each encounter - Click on each section below to expand

Daredevil Condition is only good on Mursaat Overseer and Cairn. Daredevil Power is useless on everything.

We are only keeping Daredevil Power because for some reason our officer cannot get over it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Tips and Tricks

Staff Daredevil

  • Use
    without a target to shorten its travel distance and avoid going through an enemy.
  • Deplete your endurance at the start of the fight to be able to
    without losing the
  • Bind a de-target key (Lock Auto-target), this will allow you to
    while targeting an enemy and instantly de-target it to continue your rotation, alternatively you can just click somewhere on your screen. However this is also useful to Shadowstep through walls.
  • Try to use
    off cooldown so it aligns with your
    , this will allow you to
    on the enemy without going through it while targeting it.

Condition Daredevil

  • Try to dodge inside the boss to get all hits from
    , it will also hit more if there are additional mobs around a boss.

Trait and Utility Variations

Staff Daredevil

  • For bosses where you are not permanently Revealed, take
    instead of
  • Assuming you are in subgroup that does not require
    (i.e. a condition heavy group or otherwise), the Druid can drop
    while you take
    instead, and replace the Assassin’s Backpiece with a Berserker’s one.

  • Note: Assuming you have Precise Infusions on your Assassin’s Backpiece and replace it with a Berserker’s Backpiece with Power Infusions you will be missing 3 stat points.


Staff Daredevil

  • Due to the trait
    , it is important to constantly be in a flanking position to avoid losing 7% critical chance. It should be noted that despite the description,
    actually increases the outgoing Critical Damage by 7% rather than increase the stat while above 90%.

  • You should run Staff Daredevil on Vale Guardian due to the low toughness of the boss.
  • Save
    for Vale Guardian, or on the Green Guardian if CC on it is slow as the Blue Guardian should be handled by the Chronos.
  • If the Blue AoEs appear when you are about to use
    , you can use
    instead to dodge it.
  • If Vale Guardian is moving while you are using
    , you won’t have to look down as
    will allow you to move with the boss.

  • You should play Condi Daredevil here.
  • Try to dodge inside of his hitbox, particularly if the adds have been pulled close enough to get off more
  • Use
    for the CC.

  • You should use Staff Daredevil here.
  • You can also stack Bloodlust on the adds in the event preceding Sabetha.
  • Take
    if you are doing cannons to quickly reach the jump pads. Two auto attack chains and
    should be enough to destroy it.
  • CC on this boss is not as important so you can use
    instead of
  • Try to use
    on a tangent to her hitbox while she is doing her Flamewall.
  • Be especially mindful of your positioning here while she is doing her Flamewall, as her hitbox is anchored to the position where she started it. This is to ensure you maintain the 7% critical chance from

  • Staff Daredevil should be better here due to the amount adds that can potentially be cleaved and thus be detrimental to Condi Daredevil’s venom share.
  • Take
    here for the CC.
  • If you get
    as a stolen ability, you can throw it on him while he is still invulnerable as the conditions will still be applied.

  • You should run Staff Daredevil here.
  • Take
    here, if you are dealing with the mortars.
    will be enough to deal with the single mortars. During the triple spawn, use
    on the first add, the first hit of
    on the second add and the second hit on the third add. Alternatively if you get the Mace Stolen Skill you can use that instead.
  • Feel free to take
    for a little bit more sustain if the adds remain outside and as another CC in the case of the latter.
    is also an option.

  • You should run Condi Daredevil here.
  • You can use
    as a gap closer if you have to drop mechanics.
  • Take
    for the sacrifice to help CC.
  • Make sure you don’t waste your venoms during Matthias’s invuln phase.
  • Be careful not to have your skills interrupted in the Downpour phase when your Unbalanced stacks reach their threshold of 10 stacks.

  • Either build will be fine here.
  • You can do the back warg if you are on Condi Daredevil.
  • Take
    or whatever elite you fancy.

  • You should run Staff Daredevil here.
  • Remember to take
    for this fight.
  • Make sure you have
    on swap to use during the DPS phase.
  • Take
    here for faster CC.

  • You should run Staff Daredevil here.
  • Take
    here unless add management is a problem, in which case use
  • If your party is struggling with Shard clearing you can
    onto the Shards to help out.
  • Consider getting a Pistol/Pistol set on swap for the platforms or in case you get teleported and need to range.
  • Try to use
    on a tangent to her hitbox when you are on the edge of the boss platform if you are concerned about falling off the edge.

  • You should use Condi Daredevil here.
  • Take
    as your elite and replace
    as each of Cairn’s attacks count as movement until after his first teleport.
  • Avoid getting hit by the Displacement circles and stay close to him to avoid getting Shared Agony. Otherwise you can pretty much use it as a rotation practice encounter.

  • You should use Condi Daredevil here.
  • Take
    as your elite, or
    if you have a Human character to precast
  • Apart from that just use it as rotation practice.

  • Either build will work here.
  • On Staff Daredevil you can take
    as the person that is Fixated by Samarog will be constantly Revealed.
  • If you do take
    . He will fixate on the person that stands furthest away from him, therefore you can bait at least the first two by running in first and instantly Shadow-stepping far away after the first CC. Use
    to instantly port back. By being Fixated you will be Revealed and hence gain the benefit from
  • Use
    for CC or take
    if you are baiting the fixated.
  • Avoid wasting skills and initiative during his CC/invuln phase.
  • If there are spears spawning close you while you are Fixated and he is about to CC you, try to stand in the spear to get downed and instantly use downed skill number 2 to port out. This will skip the CC and it’s faster to have your party resurrect you.

  • Either build will work here.
  • Try to use either
    without a target on a tangent to his hitbox to avoid moving into a Rapid Decay field (Black AoE Fields).
  • Use
    here, or
    to help with CC.

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