(13/06/17) Vale Guardian - Engineer Condition

(04/09/17) Sabetha - Engineer Condition

(17/07/17) Matthias - Engineer Condition

(29/05/17) Cairn - Engineer Condition

(29/05/17) Mursaat Overseer - Engineer Condition

(19/07/17) Deimos - Engineer Condition

Rifle Variant

Sword Variant

Holosmith Rifle: Pinpoint Distribution

Holosmith Rifle: Thermal Vision

Holosmith Sword: Thermal Vision

(17/11/17) Sabetha - Holosmith Power

(18/11/17) Xera - Holosmith Power

Video examples and tips for each encounter - Click on each section below to expand

Holosmith Power

Trait Variations

  • Use
    if you have 2 or more condition damage dealers in your subgroup (Druid does not count).
  • Use
    while in a full power subgroup and source of Fury is bad (druid doesn’t count).
  • Use
    in a full power subgroup.
  • Use
    for long fight w/o phases or adds.
  • Use
    if adds are available or phases.

Rotation Tips and Tricks
  • If your heat is 0 when you enter
    Photon Forge
    start with Corona Burst so you get the 10% damage boost from
    on this skill.
  • Always try to use your toolbelt skills off CD (
    ). Only use
    when your heat is above 51.
  • After you explode it takes 1.15s for you to get the buff from
    (5 stacks) so try to use
    as soon as possible so you get the modifier on the landing damage of
  • If
    is off CD, use it after
    so you get the
    (5 stacks) on the impact of this elite skill. Optional: coz your rotation got delayed by casting this elite, feel free to prioritize
    over 5 so you get the modifiers on this burst and not the starting dmg of
  • Try to not delay
    Photon Forge
    . The more you delay entering it, the less uptime of
    you gonna have.
  • If you disable
    Bomb Kit Auto Attack’s
    it will count as a spell. This allows you to spam
    Bomb Kit Auto Attack’s
    and not interrupt your AA (will always finish casting).

Photon Forge tips
  • Never interrupt your auto-attack chain in
    Photon Forge
  • If you need to use Holographic Shockwave for CC, make sure are still able to use Corona Burst and Holographic Shockwave to overheat. This is to make sure you have stability for
  • If you are using Holographic Shockwave to CC only the shock wave does CC not the actual impact, so make sure to not stand in your target’s hitbox while using it.
  • Before you engage a boss you can raise your heat level by entering
    Photon Forge
    , then deactivating it at a certain level. This will cause you to overheat sooner, which can have several benefits:
    1. You will have the
      buff sooner, so you can finish the rest of your rotation sooner. This can be beneficial for encounters with short DPS phases. This is mostly for 75 heat.
    2. You will have the Stability from
      available sooner, allowing you to use
      to CC more quickly.
  • For bosses with DPS phases that last between 15 and 35 seconds you can precast your Heat level to 75.
  • For bosses with phases that last 35 seconds or longer you can start with 0-40 heat
  • If you do not precast, you can use Corona Burst and Photon Blitz two times. If you precast to 40 heat, use Corona Burst twice and Photon Blitz once. If you precast to 75, use Corona Burst and Photon Blitz only once.

General Tips
  • Feel free to precast stuff like
    . You can always start with
    as your gap closer.
  • You can disable your Rifle auto-attack so it doesn’t randomly shoot when you swap between kits, as this can delay other attack animations.
  • Be careful with Swapping weapons, as it can interrupt your skills. Equipping a kit or switching from one kit to another doesn’t interrupt your normal skills. However, it WILL interrupt your
    Photon Forge
  • If your health is really low it might be better to leave
    Photon Forge
    instead of overheating, as this will do about 4k damage.

Heal and Utility Variations
  • You should always use
    , as it has the best healing when above 51 heat. It also gives Frost Aura, which gives you -10% Incoming Damage. If you need CC, you can use
    for the toolbelt skill. If you need Condition cleanse, you can use
Engineer Condition
Rotation Tips and Tricks

Burst Rotation
  • Always start with burst if possible (Look above in Rotation).
  • During this rotation, you are using your highest DPS skills first and on cooldown;
  • Since the update to
    , it is now worth while to use it on cooldown together with
    . Both these skills share a similar cooldown.
  • You can chain
    . The same applies to
  • should also be used on cooldown.
  • Your go to filler skills should be;

Loop Rotation

  • Feel free to start with the Loop (See above in Rotation). Your DPS will be lower than the burst rotation but it is much easier.
  • You will mostly camp
    . If
    is not up when you swap, then use fillers until it is ready i.e. -
  • You can chain
    . The same applies to
  • should also be used on cooldown.
  • is used in different parts of the looped rotation, but you can easily keep track of it because you constantly use
    on cooldown.
  • Your go to filler skills should be;
  • At one point in the loop you use
    and other Pistol Skills. Before you swap to Pistol it is a good idea to swap to
    . This way you avoid cancel casting
    after you

General Tips
  • Always remember to precast
    and double dodge to drain your endurance for the 10% modifier from
  • You can precast
    which is the Tool belt skill from
    . This is useful for encounters where you have to run to the boss (Vale Guardian, Gorseval, Sabetha, Matthias, Samarog).
  • Every boss can be considered a Golem, so always start with your burst rotation and continue with the loop rotation afterwards. If a boss has phases, then you can always restart the burst rotation at the start of every phase.
  • Stand as close as possible to the boss as Flamethrower Skill #2 -
    will trigger faster. You have to be careful when using this on big hitboxes as it takes longer for the projectile to move through the boss.
  • Be careful when using
    and Flamethrower Skill #3 -
    , when your Mesmers are pulling in adds to cleave.
  • If CC is needed, don’t use
    in your rotation and save it for the break bar.
  • Keep in mind that
    is also a reflect, this can save your party or you can betray your party (Cairn Crystal Attack).
  • Engineer’s rotation is based on the cooldown of
    . Whenever you start your rotation, you should be able to proc this trait in
    to get access to

Heal and Utility Variations
  • Swap out
    if you can’t melee 24/7.
  • Your primary heal skill should be
    , but if your group lacks CC then take
    as the Tool belt skill is a daze -
  • Feel free to swap out
    if you’re new the rotation and can’t control the cooldown.
  • You can also swap out
    if you need a stun break. This will result in a slight DPS decrease.
  • If your group stuggles with Might uptime, you can swap out
  • If lack of mobility is causing you issues, then you can swap out

Holosmith Power

  • Depending on your squad’s DPS you can precast heat to 75 or 40.
  • Use
  • You can use
    to jump over the Blue AOEs. This will prevent you from getting ported. You will still take the damage, so this is not recommended unless you are confident that you will survive.
  • When VG phases, go to the Blue Guardian. Use
    on the Blue Guardian. Engage
    Photon Forge
    for the Green Guardian and use Corona Burst and Photon Blitz. Exit
    Photon Forge
    at ~40 heat or 75, again this depends on your squad’s DPS.
  • You can CC the guardians with
    and Holographic Shockwave if needed. However, you should try to avoid using Holographic Shockwave unless it’s absolutely necessary.
  • During the first 2 phases VG will summon 3 Seekers. Your Druid will cast
    to Immobilize them. During the third phase a fourth Seeker will spawn in the middle of the arena. You can use
    to knock this Seeker away. This is only relevant if your group kills VG in the middle of the arena.
Engineer Condition

  • Precast
    and double dodge to drain your endurance for the 10% modifier from
    . You can easily side-step the Blue AoEs, so having no endurance isn’t really an issue.
  • You can also precast
    which is the Tool belt skill from
    . You can precast it and then swap the utility again.
  • Take
    here as you don’t need the stun break.
  • If you’re the only Condition class then you should go to the Red Guardian during the split. If you’re the second Condition class then you should go to the Blue/Green Guardians as you do actually have quite how pure power DPS.
  • Remember you can use
    to help control the seekers.
  • If you’re new to Engineer and worried about pulling seekers accidentically with
    you can always take
  • Assuming your group DPS is high enough and you can phase Vale Guardian in under 40 seconds, you should use the burst rotation (Look above under rotation).
  • Using the loop is still fine, but it will result in slightly lower personal DPS if you have these fast phases.
  • In the 3rd phase delay your
    as you will move Vale Guardian out of the middle.
  • If you tank Vale Guardian in the middle save your
    so you can push the seeker away during the 3rd phase as it always spawns in the middle of the platform.
  • Be careful when you precast
    during the split phases as the Guardians spawn invulnerable and hence will destroy the projectile.
  • You can run
    so you get access to extra CC through
  • Always remember to double dodge before each phase for the modifier from

Holosmith Power

  • Use
    here. It will trigger on the spirits, which helps with cleaving them down.
  • If you just entered
    Photon Forge
    when Gorseval phases, spam your skills so you overheat. This will allow you to have your
    Photon Forge
    available when the next phase starts.
  • CC:
    1. If you don’t need to help with CC you can start at 0 heat.
    2. If CC will be needed for fist phase, precast your heat to 40. If you do your normal rotation, you will Overheat during Gorseval’s Breakbar. This will allow you to use
      to CC without getting knocked back.
    3. If CC is needed is 2nd phase as well, start with 0 heat in 2nd phase.
    4. In the last phase, CC won’t be an issue (2x
      ) so feel free to start with any lvl of heat.
    5. Feel free to use
      for extra CC.
Engineer Condition

  • You shouldn’t play Engineer at Gorseval unless you are delaying the break bar.
  • Precast
    and dodge once as you will need a second dodge for the first slam attack (See GIF below).
  • You can also precast
    which is the Tool belt skill from
    . You can precast it and then swap the utility again.
  • As any other Condition class, your boss DPS will be higher however the split phases will be slower.
  • You can run
    for the extra CC as this gives you access to the Tool belt skill -
    . You should also delay your
    but not your
    as it’s too much of a DPS loss. Your other party members should easily be able to cover the rest of the break bar.
  • Remember you can use;
    to help slow down the adds during the split phase.
  • Be careful with knocking the small adds after the CC phase. If your group struggles with cleaving them, you can use Mortar Skill #4 -
    and Bomb Skill #4 -
  • Remember to always start each new phase (Not the 1st phase) with double dodging and by using the burst rotation (Look above under rotation).

Gorseval Slam Attack
[SC] Gorseval Daily | 4:26left Mesmer PoV

Holosmith Power

  • You can engage Sabetha by using
    (Slick Shoes’ Toolbelt skill) and switching back to your regular utility skills, or just use
  • Use
    here. It will trigger on the Bandit spawns, which helps with cleaving them down.
  • Can start with any heat level you want.
  • Your DPS is very high and you buff your party with
    , so it’s not recommended to do cannons.
  • If for whatever reason you do need to do cannons, try to save your
    for mobility. If you’re in
    Photon Forge
    , you can use Holo Leap. Keep in mind that you have to drop your target if you want to use this.
  • Try to time your
    so you don’t knock away Bandit spawns that were just pulled into Sabetha.
Engineer Condition

  • Precast
    and double dodge to drain your endurance for the 10% modifier from
  • You can also precast
    which is the Tool belt skill from
    . You can precast it and then swap the utility again.
  • Take
    if your team’s ad control is bad.
  • Although staying close to the boss is good, it will cause you to get given the Sapper Bombs more frequently. So you may want to be slightly further away than your Warriors, this way you will not get as many mechanics and can keep up DPS on the Sabetha.
  • Take care when using
    as the adds will spawn invulnerable and hence destroy this projectile.
  • Try to save your
    for when Sabetha returns, instead of wasting it on the mini-bosses.
  • If your group needs CC for the 2nd mini-boss (Knuckles) you can always use Flamethrower Skill #2 -
    . If your party is really lacking in CC you could also take
    for the extra CC as this gives you access to the Tool belt skill -
  • Always avoid doing cannons as Engineer is probably the strongest class against Sabetha. Also, as most compositions at the moment are Condition based they would lose

Holosmith Power

  • Use
    here. It will trigger on the Slubling spawns, which helps with cleaving them down.
  • Precast heat to lvl 75.
  • Use
    to help with CC.
  • Use
    after Sloth clears his conditions for soft CC. After this you can use
    and Holographic Shockwave.
  • Don’t delay entering
    Photon Forge
    or try to save heat by not using Holographic Shockwave on Sloth’s Breakbar. As said in General Tips, keeping up
    is more important.
  • The priority for who should eat shrooms is first Condition dps classes, then Dragonhunter, Holosmith and lastly Elementalist. You’ll want to coordinate with your group which shrooms you should eat.
Engineer Condition

  • Condition classes, generally speaking, are very weak again Slothasor and should not be used.
  • Precast
    and dodge once as you will need a second dodge for the AoE attack.
  • You can run
    for the extra CC as this gives you access to the Tool belt skill;
    . You should also delay your
    but not your
    as it’s too much of a DPS loss. Your other party members should easily be able to cover the rest of the break bar.
  • After you have finished with your own personal CC skills, feel free to continue your normal rotation as conditions conintue to apply during the CC phase.
  • Be careful when using your knockback and push skills -
    as they can cause chaos when Mesmers are trying to pull in adds.
  • Your parties stun break should be covered by the Tempests/Mesmers however you can always take
    if you have trust issues.
  • Remember, as a DPS class one of your jobs will be to eat a mushroom.

Holosmith Power

  • No important Holosmith-specific tips here, just run
    and kill stuff.
  • You can use Bomb2 to easily pre-burn the oil kegs.
  • Run arround and swing your sword !
Engineer Condition

  • Engineer has very weak cleave so is really not recommended for this encounter.
  • If you do decide to stick on Engineer we recommend that you run around in circles and pretend to look useful.

Holosmith Power

  • If CC will be needed, precast your heat to 40. If you do your normal rotation, you will Overheat when someone gets sacrificed. This will allow you to use
    to CC without getting knocked back.
  • Run
    for this encounter, as there are no adds to trigger Orbital Strike.
  • Either use
    for AoE condition cleanse or
    (for the toolbelt skill Cauterize) for self cleansing.
  • Keep in mind that your
    Photon Forge
    auto-attack’s range is fairly big, so sometimes you can keep DPSing Matthias while you have to deal with a mechanic.
  • Feel free to use
    . If you do so, don’t use
    unless you need the CC, as the self-knockback lowers your DPS.
  • If you get any mechanic you can use
    for extra mobility. If you’re in
    Photon Forge
    , you can use Holo Leap as well, remember to drop target first.
  • If Matthias uses his Blood Shield just after you entered
    Photon Forge
    stop attacking and just wait for his shield to go down.
Engineer Condition

  • Precast
    and double dodge to drain your endurance for the 10% modifier from
  • You can also precast
    which is the Tool belt skill from
    . You can precast it and then swap the utility again.
  • You can take
    but Stability should be provided by the Druids.
  • Take care with
    as you do not want to reflect his jump attack (See GIF below).
  • You can run
    for the extra CC as this gives you access to the Tool belt skill -
    . Save
    if CC is lacking during the sacrificial phase.
  • Of course it is better DPS to use
    as part of your rotation instead of for CC.
  • If your party lacks Condition Cleanse you can always run
  • If your group moves Matthias a lot you can always save your
    until he does his bubble attack (See GIF below).
  • Don’t waste
    when the bubble is up because they are mainly Power DPS skills. Your conditions, however, will still continue to be applied.
  • If you don’t normally run the "Free Camera" option, here is the time to turn it on as you can continue to throw grenades at Matthias even as you run to a fountain.

Holosmith Power

  • No important Holosmith-specific tips here, just run
    and kill stuff.
  • You can use
    to slow down Wargs.
  • Run arround and swing your sword !
Engineer Condition

  • If you are on warg duty, you can run
  • Swap out
  • You should also run
  • Use all of your blasts inside the Fire Fields left behind by
  • All of the above tips will help you maintain higher Might and therefore kill the wargs faster.
  • You have a lot of ways to slow down the warg;
    . Your grenades also apply Cripple due to

Holosmith Power

  • It’s recommended to run Elementalist here instead of Holosmith. If you do decide to run Holosmith, get
  • Use
    for statues.
  • For DPS phases (after Orb pushing) try to precast your heat to lvl 75.
Engineer Condition

  • This fight favours Tempests, so it is not recommended to play Engineer here.
  • Precast
    and dodge once as you will need a second dodge for the Jump Attack, assuming your Chronos do not distort it (See GIF below).
  • You can also precast
    which is the Tool belt skill from
    . You can precast it and then swap the utility again.
  • Always start with your burst rotation, especially after the orb pushing phase (Look above under Rotation).
  • Use
    for CC as your DPS is already weak.
  • During the orb blocking phases, use your Water Fields and blast in them. Mortar Skill #5 -
    both create Water Fields. You can blast these fields with
    and use Mortar Skill #1 -
    to grant Regeneration.

Keep Construct Jump
[SC] Daily Keep Construct 4:58left

Holosmith Power

  • Use
    here. It will trigger on the White Mantle and Phantasm spawns.
  • Start with 0 heat. On the first Island use
    , then enter
    Photon Forge
    . Use Corona Burst and Photon Blitz and exit at around 51 heat.
  • For the second island use
    and Grenade Barrage, then enter holo and use
    . If you’re close to overheating, make sure you do so on the this island. This way you’ll have
    Photon Forge
    available again when you get to Xera.
  • Feel free to precast heat on the last island. It doesn’t matter how much heat you start with, just do what you prefer.
  • Try to not knock away adds with
  • If cleave for shards is needed, keep in mind that your
    Photon Forge
    auto-attack has a fairly big cleave range, so if you can you should try to position yourself between Xera and the Shard.
Engineer Condition

  • Use Flamethrower Skill #3 -
    to push orbs on the 1st Island.
  • On the 1st Shard use the normal starting burst rotation with
    however you should save
  • On the 2nd Shard start with the burst rotation but this time use
  • Normally you’re the DPS class so never take a button on the 2nd Island.
  • Remember to blast Might before you fly to Xera. Use
  • Precast
    and double dodge to drain your endurance for the 10% modifier from
  • Be careful when using your knockback and push skills -
    as they can cause chaos when Mesmers are trying to pull in adds.
  • If your party kills Xera on the side of the platform during 1st phase then remember not to use any skills that apply Confusion as this will be converted to Retaliation by the Shards.
  • If she is out of the Shard’s AoE (In the middle) then feel free to apply Confusion.
  • Swap out
    to avoid apply Confusion through
  • Here you should run
  • The start of the 2nd phase is exactly the same as the 1st. Remember to prestack Might, precast
    and double dodge.

Holosmith Power

  • Use
  • Feel free to start with any heat level.
  • If properly timed, you can use
    to avoid Cairn’s Displacement attack.
Engineer Condition

  • Precast
    and use the "Special Action Key" to get into melee ASAP. Start your burst rotation and after you use
  • Dodge backwards into the Green Circle to get the 10% modifier from
  • Use
    assuming your Druids provide you with Stability, if not run
  • Be careful with Flamethrower Skill #3 -
    as you do not want to reflect the crystal attack.
  • Try to stand as close as possible to Cairn, this way you will avoid getting the Shared Agony Debuff.
  • Cairn is pretty much a DPS golem, so use him as rotation practise.
  • Condition Engineer is super strong here however try not to interupt yourself with the "Special Action Key", especially if you are doing the Challenge Mote.

Holosmith Power

  • Use
  • Feel free to start with any heat level. It’s recommended to start at 0 or 40.
  • You can use
    for an AoE condition cleanse when the Jade Knights come towards you.
Engineer Condition

  • Precast
    and double dodge to drain your endurance for the 10% modifier from
  • Use
    here as you have no use for a stun break.
  • Mursaat Overseer is bugged at the moment so you should use the delayed burst rotation (Look above in Rotation).
  • This is pretty much a DPS golem, so just practise your rotation.
  • Use
    here as you can cleanse Slow when the Knights reach you.
  • Condition Engineer is really strong here, we highly recommend it if you are attempting the Challenge Mote.

Holosmith Power

  • Use
    here, as Orbital Strike will be wasted if it triggers during Samarog’s Breakbar.
  • Use
    for extra CC.
  • Don’t delay entering
    Photon Forge
    . You should use Holographic Shockwave for CC here.
  • Precast heat at lvl 75 before the fight and after you kill Guldhelm during Samarog’s phases.
  • You can’t apply conditions to Samarog during his Breakbar, so don’t use
  • When you engage Samarog, stay back a little bit. After each breakbar, make sure to stay as close to Samarog as possible. This is to make sure you don’t get Fixated by Samarog. Your CC is very strong and should always be available during breakbars.
Engineer Condition

  • Generally speaking Power based DPS classes out-perform Condition based classes here.
  • Precast
    and double dodge to drain your endurance for the 10% modifier from
  • You can also precast
    which is the Tool belt skill from
    . You can precast it and then swap the utility again.
  • You should run
    here for the CC and also remember that you have access to additional CC via
  • Do not waste any skills when the break bar is up because during the phase you cannot apply conditions.
  • If possible, always start with the burst rotation after splits/CC phases (Look above in Rotation).
  • You can push Rigom with Flamethrower Skill #3 -
    and then Chill and/or Immobilize with
  • We highly recommend Engineer specifically for the Challenge Mote.

Holosmith Power

  • If you cleave Saul on top of Deimos you can use
    , otherwise you should take
  • Keep in mind that your
    Photon Forge
    auto-attack range is fairly big, so you can usually keep attacking Deimos.
  • If your group is bad at managing Deimos’ Black AoEs, you can use
    . If you do this, remember to not use
    unless you need to CC Saul.
  • Precast heat to 75 while you’re killing the Demonic Chain statues. You should delay your rotation a bit on deimos, so you have your highest DPS skills available when the Unnatural Signet is up.
  • Remember to pick up Demonic Tears.
  • When Deimos becomes Invulnerable at 10% you can precast heat to 75 again.
Engineer Condition

  • Remember to blast Might before you take the 1st port. Use
  • Remember to use your skills which Immobilize on the Prides and Greeds -
  • Start your burst rotation as soon as Deimos spawns but save your Tool belt skills.
  • You shouldn’t precast any Tool belt skills, as you want to wait for Saul to use Unnatural Signet on Deimos. This means you need to save
  • Time your biggest bursts around Unnatural Signet, it’ll be mostly Tool belt skills as other skills are hard to time when you are already doing your rotation.
  • Use
    when he does his one-shot attack as he will not move for a long period of time, if you’re unsure of your Mesmer’s kiting movements. This is because you want
    to tick as many times as possible.
  • You should run
  • Use the "Free Camera" option here as it allows you to continue attacking with Grenades even if you have to run to collect tears.
  • Whenever you get ported up to kill Saul, make sure you swap to
    when he has around 60-65% HP. This way you are ready to start your burst rotation when you are ported back to Deimos.
  • If for some reason you struggle to break Sauls bar, you can always take
    thereby giving you access to
  • If your Mesmers do not share
    for the Pizza Slam Attack, try to dodge sideways (See GIF below).
  • In the last 10% you can always position yourself on the side of Deimos which will not get knocked back. This way you can freely cast all of your skills without needing to dodge. His hitbox becomes very strange at 10% and it can be more benificial to spam
    during his animations.

Holosmith Power

  • Do not mount to start the encounter, you will lose all your heat by dismounting.
  • Start with 75 heat.
  • This boss is pretty much a DPS golem, just try to always stay behind it and sidestep its attacks. Avoid the Walls and Spinning Scythes.
  • Use
    to help with condi cleanse and to provide some AoE healing.

Holosmith Power

  • Use
    for extra CC (for Hallowed Bombers) and also to burst heal whenever you have to go outside of Desmina’s shield to kill Enervators.
  • Try to drop Red Bombs (mechanics) on enemies and away from your group.
  • Have Character Limit on High so you can see the walls.
  • Make sure you use Holographic Shockwave for CC.

Holosmith Power
Statue of Ice

  • If you want you can go
    and just range him while standing on greens. If you want you can switch to Tools+Firearms+Holo to perma spam toolbelts.
  • Use
    so you can range in
    Photon Forge
  • Heal doesn’t matter but either
    is recommended

Statue of Death

  • If you do greens, feel free to use
    instead of
  • Before all the torches are lit the Eater has to die on top of a fully charged platform to release orbs. Make sure the Eater is inside of a fully charged platform before you kill it.

Statue of Darkness

  • Start with 75 heat.
  • Do your normal rotation and follow your group. Keep in mind that both Eyes have to die at roughly the same time.

Holosmith Power

  • Pre-event doesn’t matter much but feel free to blast fields (mostly static+water) with Holographic Shockwave +
  • Try to start Dhuum with 75 heat.
  • Use
    for AoE condi cleanse during the mid attack.
  • Your job at Dhuum is mostly to dps the boss and provide buffs for the group. Your mobility is limited so let other classes do mechanics. (Dragonhunter, Weaver, Soulbeast, anything with free leaps+blinks)
  • If you have a Condi Class (Scourge, Renegade or Mirage) taking care of boonstrip use
    . If a chrono is doing it, take
  • Try to precast your heat to 75 during Dhuum’s mid attack. This attack always happens at 6:25, 5:05, 3:45, 2:25, 1:05. You don’t have to follow the rotation perfectly, feel free to use
    earlier if the timer is almost ending so you get the full damage from it.
  • You can camp
    while Dhuum is in the middle, but keep in mind that he can have Retaliation. You can do the same when you get Afflicted or Shackles. It’s highly recommended that you enable the Free camera option!
  • During the last 10%, if you have to do the panels, start with 0 heat and enter holo when everyone runs out. Use Holo Leap to get there faster and Corona Burst for Barrier. You should leave
    Photon Forge
    at around 40%. You can use either
    or Holo Leap (depending on your Heat) to get back. Your starting rotation is pretty much the same with 40 heat, you just get an extra Corona Burst before exploding (compared to 75 heat).
  • During the last 10% burst its better to use
    the moment you go over 50 heat (even while in
    Photon Forge
    ) so you get all the ticks on him before he dies or becomes invulnerable again.
  • If you don’t have to do panels, precast heat to 75 and do your normal start.
  • When you cast Photon Blitz, stand on the outer edge of his hitbox and do not move or else you will interrupt the skill!

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